Simplify access management data (Hide menu/sub-menu)

The user access privileges in Odoo are quite complicated or time-consuming, requiring a lot of deep technical expertise and wasting your valuable time. A people with little awareness of the system who can get into trouble if they don't know what they're doing.

Odoo does not support setting user-specific menu access rights. Here are various restrictions to setting menu access in Odoo.

In odoo 

Terabits responded by releasing a simplified access management module.

Our module assists you in eliminating all of these complexity and saving your valuable time by providing a user-friendly interface from which you can establish all of the access settings for specific users in one location.

It is accessible with both the Odoo Community and Enterprise extensions.

A technical person or team is not required when using a simplify access management module. You are basically familiar with the simplify access module.

Rules for both base modules and third-party modules can be customised.

How to work Hide/Sub-menu in odoo 

In Odoo, access control is controlled by allowing specific user groups access to specified menus. 

This menu will be available to all members of the selected group. 

You can hide the menu and sub-menus in Odoo by creating a group. 

Furthermore, several Odoo modules inherently allow access to the Employee security group. 

Select the relevant menu to offer access for on the Menus tab.

Additionally, under the Users tab, add users who will not see the menu and sub-menus.

Now you go directly to the user through whom you want to apply the group you want to be, that is, the user from whom you want to hide the menu and sub-menu.

Furthermore,  user here user is ("Mitchell admin").  

Then, clicking the menu and active your Groups rule.

Another thing is that to apply multi-company rules in Odoo, you have to go to that company and change the company, so this thing is time-consuming.

Second way is the How to Hide menu / Sub-menu

It is the very compliex way and that time need a technical developer 


How to hidemenu and sub menu with technical

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How to Use the Hide/Sub-menu of Simplify Access Management

Simplify access management assists you in eliminating all of these complexity and saving your valuable time by providing a user-friendly interface from which you can establish all of the access settings for specific users in one location.

Menus & sub-menus can be easily hidden with SAM. 
A technical person or team is not required when using a simplify access management module. You are basically familiar with the simplify access module.
Now i tell you about SAM how it's work
In the SAM, you first "create" a new record, give it a name, and select the user. Here,  you can select multiple users and multiple companies.
SAM, allows to select multiple company and user, so, you can save your golden time and do not need technical developers.
SAM allows you to select various companies and users, allowing you to save time and avoid the need for technical developers.

You can now navigate to the menus tab and select the menu and sub-menu. 
Choose which data to hide from the available all menu and sub-menus.

Save this rule and then press the F5 key to see the results.
It is a fairly simple method for comparing odoo rights.
There is no need to form any kind of group.

The purchase module is not shown in the above screenshot, and sub-menus from accounting such as vendor bill and overview from the inventory module are not visible.

You can see with Simplify access mangemnt 
